7 “asked questions” concerning travel to Morocco

Are you making your first visit to Morocco? Our goal is to assist you in becoming ready and enthusiastic. Find out our responses to the most common queries from visitors to Morocco for the first time.

7 "asked questions" concerning travel to Morocco

7 frequently asked questions about visiting Morocco:

  1. Must I go on a tour with a group?

    The advantage of traveling with Explore is that we offer small group tours, so during your trip, you’ll have a local Explore leader in addition to other travelers. Our trip coordinators possess extensive local knowledge, enabling them to ensure that your trip goes seamlessly and encompasses the top attractions, thereby alleviating any stress associated with your vacation.

    They’ll be able to assist with planning optional activities, recommending the best restaurants, and ensuring your trip is unforgettable.
    Our Morocco itineraries are designed to include must-see attractions and undiscovered treasures you wouldn’t normally find when traveling alone, like dining and visiting with Berber families. Additionally, by signing up for a small group tour, you’ll have other travelers who share your interests traveling with you to Morocco. 7 commonly asked questions concerning travel to Morocco

    1. How secure is Morocco?

    Yes, it is safe to travel to Morocco at this time. Of course, you should be mindful of potential hazards like pickpocketing and scams, just like you would at any other location. However, don’t let preconceived notions about Morocco deter you; it’s a safe, must-see location that’s just waiting to be discovered. In the crowded tourist areas of the cities, you run the risk of drawing unwelcome attention from locals, especially if you’re a female traveling alone. Putting on polite clothing will lessen this. Another benefit of going on a small group tour is that your fellow travelers will always be there to watch out for you. You’ll probably feel more assured and enjoy yourself more while you’re taking in the sights if you do this.

    1. What attire is appropriate in Morocco?

    Morocco is an Arab nation, so both sexes should cover up and wear modest clothing. Wear light, loose clothing to protect your skin and stay cool, as well as to cover up and show respect for the locals. Carrying a thin scarf that you can use as needed is helpful, especially when you’re near places of worship and need to protect yourself from the sun (and sand in the desert).

    1. When is the best time to visit Morocco?

    Morocco is accessible all year round. But in terms of temperature, spring and fall are the best seasons to visit and the best times to go hiking in the Atlas Mountains. Even though it can get chilly at night and in the morning during the winter, Morocco makes an excellent winter sun destination during the day, especially along the coast. For climbing Mount Toubkal, May through June and September through October are the ideal times. In spring and autumn, temperatures are usually lower, and there may even be some early or late snowfall on the summit.

    Our family Morocco vacations are the only ones we offer during the hottest months of July and August. This will allow families to take summer vacations and travel. These excursions were designed with the heat in mind, and most days will feature a hotel pool or an opportunity to cool off in the sea.

    1. When shopping in the souks, should I haggle?

    Always bargain when you’re shopping in the souks or marketplaces. Don’t be afraid to haggle; it’s a part of Moroccan culture and something the locals do themselves. Retailers typically start at a high price and start negotiating for about half of this amount.

    When visiting Morocco, especially in crowded places like the souks, we recommend investing in a good security belt. Pick-pocketing is a risk, just like in any other city, but don’t let it deter you. Above all, have fun browsing the numerous market stalls filled with vibrant colors and unique goods; not only will you learn about Moroccan culture, but you’ll also score some amazing deals.

    1. In Morocco, what language is spoken?

    Arabic is the most widely spoken language in Morocco. But in the busier cities, English is spoken more often, and French is also widely spoken.
    It is helpful to become familiar with a few basic Arabic words before your trip to Morocco. This will be considerate and beneficial in the majority of social interactions with locals. This is particularly helpful because vendors can be pushy at times, especially in the souks when they are trying to sell you something. A few useful terms to be aware of are:

    Hello 🙋‍♂️ ‘Mrhban’

    let’s go 🚶‍♂️ ‘Yalah’

    Thank you 🙏 ‘Shukran’

    No ❌ ‘La’

    Yes ✅ ‘Naam’

    My Dear ❤ ‘Habibi’

    1. Is it safe to drink the water in Morocco?

    In Morocco, the tap water is unsafe to consume. We suggest bringing a water bottle, such as a Water-to-go bottle, that has a built-in filtration system.

    Thank you for Reading 7 Commonly Asked Questions Concerning Travel to Morocco

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