How to Ride a Camel In Morocco 2023

How to Ride a Camel In Morocco 2023Vacation memories are undoubtedly made of riding a camel across the sloping dunes of the Moroccan Sahara. When you shake the sand out of your shoes and think back on the sunsets, any discomfort will vanish along with the memory of any sore muscles. Even though it might not be love at first sight when...

How to Ride a Camel In Morocco 2023; Vacation memories are undoubtedly made of riding a camel across the sloping dunes of the Moroccan Sahara. When you shake the sand out of your shoes and think back on the sunsets, any discomfort will vanish along with the memory of any sore muscles.

Even though it might not be love at first sight when you first meet your camel, getting on it should feel fairly simple because it will probably be sitting on its haunches. However, don’t get comfortable too soon because the interesting part of the journey begins when your camel stands up to continue.

The whole ship of the desert metaphor is amply made clear by a lurch forward, swiftly followed by a reciprocal lurch backward.

When my now-adult children first went on a Ride a Camel In Morocco in 2023, they were still quite young, and the excitement of the ride was greeted by squeals of delight that were quickly followed by shrieks of pure fear as they clung to the saddle for dear life. We told them it was character-forming.

Simply put, following your guide’s instructions is the most important piece of advice you can get when it comes to mounting and dismounting your steadfast steed before you even start your journey.

After preparing you for the worst, as my kids quickly discovered, it is most definitely worth it once you are up and moving. The loping gait of the camel is a part of the journey in the desert where life has a different pace.

The second piece of advice is to simply relax as much as you can and roll with the slightly awkward flow of the camel, which makes it the perfect vehicle for crossing vast stretches of sand. And it is precisely that rhythm and gait that is key to enjoying the experience.

The width of the camel’s back is the main source of any discomfort because, unlike its equine cousin the horse, the camel is not built to human scale, making the previously mentioned relaxing tip challenging.

You’ll feel a little out of balance and most definitely feel muscles using that you weren’t aware of. Once you’re over the hump, try to settle into a comfortable seat and then just relax and take in the ride.

In addition to the ride itself, there are a few useful pointers to remember that will make the entire experience more enjoyable.

Couture of Camel

Wearing long, comfortable pants and socks is a good idea. Your pants may gradually rise up your calves as the camel moves, exposing your legs to the sun, sand, and camel. You will be glad to be covered up even though it may be warm because your guide will be wearing a turban and robe to protect himself from the sun.

Make sure you have room to move in whatever you choose to wear because you will also need to be able to stretch your legs over and across the camel’s back.

Keep sunscreen on hand, and while wearing socks wont win you any prizes for your sense of style, they can help to prevent any potential contact itchiness. Keep it simple aside from that; you don’t want to worry about having too much luggage!

Photographs and camels

Any phones, cameras, or other devices might benefit from attachment or tethering. It goes without saying that you want to take pictures while riding a camel. However, because camels are tall animals, any fall will be a considerable distance.

In addition, getting on and off is difficult, so once you are standing and in your seat, you might want to stay there for a while. Referring back to the opening remarks.

You might want to have the soundtracks to Hideous Kinky or The Sheltering Sky queued and ready to go if you don’t enjoy the Sahara’s utter silence. Once more, confirm that everything is fastened securely.

One final thought about riding camels

Ibuprofen and aspirin should not be overlooked. Even though 30 minutes on a camel may not seem like much, if your hip joints or knees are weak or prone to injury, it could feel like a lifetime.

Camel rides won’t harm you permanently, but if you ride for longer than 30 minutes, the strange position they force you into might cause some minor discomfort. Always keep a small pain reliever on hand.

Go ride that camel now that you’re ready to do so!

Get in touch with us to learn more about our tours if you’d like any additional guidance or recommendations on the ideal desert itinerary to explore Morocco hidden Sahara, with or without a camel.

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